Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Valentino The Last Emperor

Today I saw Valentino The Last Emperor and I LOVED it!
I have to admit i did not want to see it because i just felt like I didn't care about him at all.
but this is what i love about Documentaries, learning about a different world you never knew.
I feel that if you have any appreciation for clothes at all you should go see this movie (RIO CORTEZ). I am totally a fan and i want to go into his store right this second and look at his brilliant designs. A little birdie told me that he is the hardest designers to get a dress from if you are a celebrity and you want to wear him to an award show...

Favorite part
The argument between him and his partner about the set design

UNfavorable part
only nitpicky things that are not really necessary to criticize at this moment


  1. i love how different all of our blogs are! what a wonderful format for you to talk about film!

    i didn't know much about this documentary, but i'll see it now per your recommendation. it's playing at one of my favorite theaters in ny, film forum!

    do you remember when sarah palin wore valentino on the campaign trail??

    congrats on this!

  2. sarah palin uuuggggh that says something about him.
